Katja Tschimmel
Katja Tschimmel é consultora e formadora, investigadora e docente, coach e oradora. Trabalha em dois universos, o empresarial (MINDSHAKE - Consultoria em Pensamento Criativo e Design) e o académico (Porto Business School, Universidade do Porto e Laurea University). É licenciada e doutorada em Design, e tem um Mestrado em Criatividade Aplicada. Investiga, ensina e publica nas áreas da Criatividade, do Design Thinking e da Inovação, tendo publicado os livros Creativity and Innovation Affairs (2022), CriAtivaMente/TheCreativeMind/CreA(c)tivaMente (2020), The Creativity Virus (2019), Processos Criativos (2011) e o modelo de Design Thinking Evolution 6 (2012), que aplica em ações de formação e coaching em numerosas empresas. Nascida na Alemanha, Katja Tschimmel vive desde 1990 no Porto, a cidade que adotou e onde se sente em casa.
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The Creativity Virus
Creativity is one of our most precious human resources. To it, we owe our civilisation, our culture, and every benefit arts, science or technology offer. Fortunately, creativity is inexhaustible, and creativity creates creativity.
The Creativity Virus is a book about and for Creative Thinking. The purpose is to infect the reader through different kind of texts, images and exercises, to think and act in a more creative way.
In honour of the creative genius Leonardo da Vinci, this book was released on his 567th anniversary, the 15th of April 2019, and initiated with its presentation, the World Creativity and Innovation Week, which finishes on the 21st of April - the World Creativity and Innovation Day (as defined by the United Nations).
The authors of this book come from several cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and for this reason the book is bilingual, every author wrote in her/his own mother tongue and then every contribution was translated to English, being widely understood.
Let yourself be infected by our Creativity Virus!!!
The Creativity Virus is a book about and for Creative Thinking. The purpose is to infect the reader through different kind of texts, images and exercises, to think and act in a more creative way.
In honour of the creative genius Leonardo da Vinci, this book was released on his 567th anniversary, the 15th of April 2019, and initiated with its presentation, the World Creativity and Innovation Week, which finishes on the 21st of April - the World Creativity and Innovation Day (as defined by the United Nations).
The authors of this book come from several cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and for this reason the book is bilingual, every author wrote in her/his own mother tongue and then every contribution was translated to English, being widely understood.
Let yourself be infected by our Creativity Virus!!!
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Edição Mindshake