What'S In Your Backpack?
de Rohini Rathour
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Do you feel like you are carrying an invisible load that you can't explain?
Do you wonder why you feel an emptiness within when to others your life seems perfect?
Do you sometimes struggle to connect with who you really are?
You acquired a metaphorical backpack when you entered this world. As you heard voices, saw faces, experienced sensations and
emotions, your body tucked every one of these experiences into this backpack. In adulthood this backpack is laden with
expectations, emotions and beliefs that you might not be consciously aware of. No wonder you sometimes feel like
you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Rohini invites you to view yourself, your life and the people in it with a fresh pair of eyes. She offers you a
toolkit for creating your abundant life. The concepts are simple yet powerful. She brings them to life with anecdotes,
stories and shared experiences that will make you see that you are a unique being, and that you have the resources to
create the life you want.
First you must be willing to put down your backpack and take a peek inside. Get clear on what you need for the next phase of your life and
who you want to be. You can't flow unless you let go. If you want to fly, travel light.