The The Revelation Of Life After Death Before The Cross And After The Cross
de Waymon J. Marshall
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This book explains and explores what LUKE 16:19-31 is teaching about what happens to and an unbeliever and where their spirit goes after death. There was two different places. Before JESUS died on the cross there was ABRAHAM'S bosom for those that did not trust in GOD in the upper area located in the hearth of the earth. Then those that did not trust in GOD in the lowest area called the place of torments which also had flames of fire also located in the heart of earth, When JESUS died on the cross He preached to the spirits of the rightous and after three days emped ABRAHAM'S BOSOM and ushered everyone in it their spirit to the third heaven to await the RAPTURE when they get their glorified body at the RAPTURE. The rich man of LUKE 16:19-31 is still in the heart of the earth awaiting the GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT of REVELATION 20:11-15.