The The Moon Origin Revealed

Earth The Surrogate

de Elberto Vergara Badon - The The Moon Origin Revealed
idioma: Inglês
Edição: janeiro de 2025

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Anybody can best appreciate the mesmerizing beauty of those luminaries in Heaven, that is, if anyone starts scientifically seeking their naturalistic origin. Specifically, in harmony with various faiths' ancient written passages and oral traditions exhibiting extraordinary wisdom. 

One of those luminaries is the Moon. Lunar Scientists were in a critical frenzy when astronauts brought back rock samples, which discarded the theories of the Moon's origin. None match the beguiling attributes of the Moon. Earth and the Moon are Isotopic twins. The Moon has the right chemical blend with Earth. 

Incredibly, after three decades of hunting clues and riddles, the scientists' quest to find out how the Moon entwined with Earth finally ended. Consider the passages in the Bible, Psalm 19:(1-6). The Heaven declares the Glory of God. In Heaven, God pitched a tent for the Sun. It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber to run a course. The passage portrays the Sun once encased by the rocky shell, shielded by the Heliosphere bubble.

A midsize Star in the Milky Way Galaxy cruised along the Orion arm until it sunk into a giant Nebula. Over time, the cocooned Star gained mass infill. It turned the interior into an alchemical laboratory, wherein countless plasmaspheres circled the fast-spinning Star. These plasmaspheres concealed primordial hydrogen and helium ion solutions that upgraded into an inner core of the planetary bodies, a fusion nuclear reactor.

 While streaming around the spinning stellar core, these plasmaspheres clung to the more enormous spheres. Thus, a mass surrogacy process transpired. The heavy radioactive elements gravitated and accrued around the developing spinning sphere, which later transformed into a dual inner core system, both fusion and fission reactors. The cocooned brilliant Star evolved into the core of a supergiant planet, Sol. In her biosphere, countless microbes hitch a ride on cosmic dust.

Later on, the planets ejected, having their satellites in their womb intact. The Earth's developing Moon was already in full term and ready to emerge. It was buoyed by the expanding plasma until it nestled in the Pacific Ocean. Underneath the cooling spheroid, a colossal methane bubble detonated. The Moon received a massive energy kick and lofted into the sky. After crashing the Earth's surface for millions of years, it gained mass. The bloated Moon exited over Antarctica, leaving behind an irreparable Gaping Hole in the Ozone Layer with an area three (3) times that of Brazil.

As per Science, during the Snowball Earth, the North Mid-latitude was covered with a 3 km thick ice sheet. Was the Sunlight not yet in commission? If so, what was responsible for the plant's photosynthesis? The living creatures need heat. Check the craters of the Moon facing Earth; it displays brilliant rays of glassy surfaces. This mesmeric scenario would be altered once the yellow Star hatched from its rocky crustal shell, dispersing its detritus into space—a precursor of a terrible Global Deluge.

By presenting a new manner of thinking coming from different discernment.; undeniably, this writing may yield surprises: A paradigm shift! Some great ideas may unfold!

The The Moon Origin Revealed
Earth The Surrogate
de Elberto Vergara Badon 
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