Semantics And Poetics Of The Righteous And The Wicked In The Psalms
de Kevin Foth
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In Semantics and Poetics of the Righteous and the Wicked in the Psalms, Kevin Foth delves into the nuanced roles of the righteous and the wicked and explores their significance beyond conventional moral prototypes. The study argues that the figures of the righteous and the wicked should be considered as part of the conventions of Hebrew psalmody. By leveraging insights from lexical semantics of the terms ???? and ??? throughout the Hebrew Bible, the study broadens the understanding of these terms in their multifaceted uses within poetic contexts. The analysis further employs narratological theories about character and characterization to elucidate how the contrast between the righteous and wicked functions within 18 individual psalms. By focusing on the specific contexts within psalms and embracing poetic diversity, this study enriches the understanding of how these figures contribute to the literary features and theological messages woven throughout the Book of Psalms.