Group Dynamics In Occupational Therapy
The Theoretical Basis And Practice Application Of Group Intervention
de Marilyn B. Cole
Sobre o livro
This best-selling textbook, now in its Sixth Edition, provides the essential strategies and tools that occupational therapists need to design and organize client groups for enhanced, theory-based therapeutic interventions for physical, mental health, and wellness populations.Updated in line with AOTA's latest Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, the book is split into three sections. Section I introduces author Marilyn Cole's 7-step format for group leadership, the cornerstone for the rest of the book. This is followed by chapters on the fundamentals of group dynamics, client-centered groups, and issues around diversity, inclusion, and cultural humility. Section II provides an overview of a range of theoretical approaches to group work, from psychodynamic, biomechanical, behavioral/cognitive, developmental, sensory, and occupation-based models.Section III focuses on design of group protocols, synthesizing the theories, activities or modalities, leadership, and membership selection guidelines. Revisions include guidelines for using a client-centered group approach with marginalized populations, as well as designing occupational therapy groups with wellness and non-traditional populations for student service learning in the community.Thoroughly updated throughout, and with new case studies drawn from a range of disciplines, this is an essential resource for any student or practitioner in the field of occupational therapy.