Art Of Play
de Jonathan Zolin
Sobre o livro
After scribing four books and a decade absent of creative thoughts, I'm back in a new literary form - poetry. In a world of non-readers and short attention spans (including this author), poetry seemed like the next best vehicle for churning out unstoppable thoughtsPoetry, being one of the oldest and most esteemed art forms (or was that prostitution?) offers the spontaneous outpouring of verbiage on a broad spectrum of rationality. My poems all rhyme none of this free verse, abstract, amorphous and WTF is he saying. The rules are to rhyme for the sole purpose of keeping my audience riveted. It is a biased collection of observations on relationships, aging, love, death, individual and social dysfunction, pets, rap, and even blueberries. THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO USE OF THAT ABHORENT AGENT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. The very first poem addresses this malady in no uncertain terms. In fact, this may turn out to be the last body of written work without the aid of an algorithm brain. While reading this anthology you will never find yourself easing into a warm bubble bath with a glass of Malbac. Rather, you will merely drop your tush on the commode, knock off a few of my clever verses and dismount with a chuckle. And the book is completely biodegradable, so you may use the pages as needed. !!ENJOY!!