My Mentor'S Radical Love
de Donna Johnson
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You're not alone. God's offer for each of us to be redeemed and saved by the sacrifice of HisSon, Jesus Christ, leaves people in denial, confused, and sometimes curious. God's lifeline toeternity with Him becomes a fleeting thought as people go about their lives, focused onthemselves and their priorities. In My Mentor's Radical Love, you'll discover the three primarypathways for how people respond to God's Gospel Message. You'll be challenged to journalyour own response as you thoughtfully reflect on the consequences of your choice.You'll learn how Satan has hijacked God's Gospel Message in order to confuse anddeceive you away from your rightful inheritance that he himself cannot experience.God has a perfect plan for your life, including a promise to walk closely and intimatelywith Him, which will lead you to not only experience God's radical love but to pour out that sameradical love on others. It's time to remove the lukewarm curiosity, confusion, and doubt andmove boldly to believe, follow, and make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior of your life. Now,that is radical love!