O Vale do Côa e a Arte Paleolítica de Ar Livre em Portugal (Edição bilingue: português-inglês)
Consciousness, Cosmos And The Realm Of The Gods
Evidence For An Ancient Apocalypse
Estudos de arqueologia moderna | Studies on early modern archaeology (Volume I)
Neanderthal life, love, death and art
1º Semestre 2021 - África: Mitos de origem
1º Semestre 2020 - Camarões do Sul - Estado federal ou ambazonia?
Breaking Stereotypes About Prehistoric Women
Adventures In The Paleozoic
An Archaeological Perspective
Egypt From Golden Age To Age Of Heresy
From Oxford To Portugal And Back Again
How Bronze-Age Riders From The Eurasian Steppes Shaped The Modern World
Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, And Public Education
Spiritual Traditions Of The Colonial And Post-Colonial Caribbean
Revisiting The Limits Of Sacred Violence From An Anthropological And Archaeological Perspective